Merger of Sabadell and BBVA Banks

2 May
Merger of Sabadell and BBVA Banks
Merger of Sabadell a... image

New Merger in the Spanish Banking Sector: BBVA and Banco de Sabadell

BBVA has confirmed the start of negotiations with Banco de Sabadell on a possible merger of the two companies. This was announced in an official statement sent to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV). In light of the latest news published in the press, BBVA announced the appointment of a consulting group to study the details of a potential merger, according to the publication 20minutos.

BBVA and Banco de Sabadell: Talks on Merger of Banking Giants

If the merger takes place, it will lead to the creation of a real banking giant. It should be noted that the market capitalization of the possible merger will reach 73 billion euros, approaching the figures of the largest players in the banking sector, such as Banco Santander and CaixaBank.

In addition, the combined group will have a significant presence both in the global market and in Spain: 7,326 offices worldwide and 3,084 offices in Spain. The combined group will employ more than 140,776 employees, of whom more than 46,000 are located in Spain.

This merger promises significant changes not only in the structure of asset management and operations, but also in the strategic positioning of both companies in the market